Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Friday, April 17, 2009

The Rio de Janeiro Scene - 3

After a near two month flying hyatus, caused by my accident on the beggining of March, I finally took to the air again today. It was a beautiful post-frontal day in Rio, and the wind was coming from the Southwestern quadrant. The conditions looked great but in fact weren´t so for quite a while.

The early birds were greeted with a lot of work to stay up and only the best pilots, who were also patient, were rewarded with great flights. In seeing their struggle I decided to wait for a better window.

The problem was that I waited a lot, but not long enough. My flight was really hard to keep up, I fought for 40 minutes getting progressively lower.
About one hour after my take-off, when I had already landed, conditions finally, and suddenly too, improved a lot, and the guys who were still waiting had better flights with many of them visiting the Christ.

I was just really glad for being back on the air again! And I was very happy too for using succesfully my new camera mount on the leading edge, which rewarded me with many many great pics!
Some of them are below:




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Friday, April 03, 2009

Video Parque São Vicente 1/2/09

Este vídeo é um pedacinho do programa Alta Pressão do SporTV, produzido pelo piloto Manoel Navarro. Eu tive que usar um editor de video gratuito que pregou uma etiqueta no meio da tela. Apesar de eu ter conseguido converter o video, o som original ficou completamente corrompido e tive que colocar uma trilha sonora nova por cima, no caso, Rebel Warrior do Asian Dub Foundation.

O video mostra o início de um memorável dia de voo na rampa do Pàrque São Vicente em Petrópolis, no dia 1 de Fevereiro de 2009. Todos os pilotos fizeram grandes voos, num dia que permitia diversas rotas pois estava termicamente fantástico enquanto praticamente sem vento nenhum.

O tracklog deste voo está em http://www.xcbrasil.org/leonardo/flight/12365

Uma versão deste vídeo com maior qualidade pode ser vista no youtube em: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U46N7FvKSOs